b'Awana Clubs Looks the WayYou Want It To Look.Awana programs can be modified to fit your needs and goals, but most have a few thingsin common. They typically run for 90120 minutes and include these three segments:Large Group Time Small Group Time Activity TimeGather round! Children andIts family time! Break kidsLets have fun! Kids never students come together to singinto age-specific groups;forget playing games, making worship songs, receive awards then dive into biblical truth,crafts and jumping (literally!) andmost importantly ask questions, explore lifeinto activities. Even if your learn relevant, applicableapplication and recite verses.church doesnt have a gymtruths from Scripture. This is anSmall Group Time cultivatesor activity center, Awana staff easy opportunity to integratea lifelong foundation forwill work with you to create your weekly Sunday schoolunderstanding the Bible andgames and activities to fit your themes into your Awana club. growing in community withvisionand building.other Christians. At-home Spanish resources and products Order: awana.org/shop 8 8 discipleship available at awana.org/shopMember Price: $ / Nonmember Price: $'